📝Getting Started

Key Terms

Get yourself familiarize with these terms before staring using the HypeUp - Post Purchase Upsell.



All Shopify merchants can now display upsell products, banners and content on the Post Purchase checkout page.


It refers to the use-case with unique functionality for the customers on the post purchase checkout page. Each scenario has multiple conditions, priority, status and settings for the merchants.


It refers to the main category for the customization like Upsell and Notifications.

Upsell (C)

Suggesting extra or better products to buy at a store.

Notifications (C)

Messages or images that tell you something new or important happening online.


It refers to specific options in each category like: Dynamic and Static types for Upsell category, Banner and Content for Notifications.

Dynamic Source (T)

It uses product metafields to Upsell products on the checkout page.

Static Source (T)

It uses manual product selection in order to Upsell products on the post purchase checkout page.

Banner (T)

It uses banner components to display textual information with status on the post purchase checkout.

Content (T)

It uses text and image to display information on the post purchase checkout.

Conditions: To mange the visibility of the scenarios.
  1. Cart Total

  2. Cart Subtotal

  3. Product Title

  4. Product vendor

  5. Product Tags

  6. Customer Lifetime Spending

  7. Customer Tags

Layout Options: To manage the layouts for the scenarios.
  1. Display Banner only

  2. Display Content only

  3. Display Content and Upsell Products

  4. Display Banner and Upsell Products

  5. Upsell Products only

Last updated